Yn ei wysg bur ei hun

In his own raiment clad

(Hanes y Groes
Rhan I - Y Gofyniad)
Yn ei wysg bur ei hun -
  Yn goch gan waed;
Gwragedd sy'n wylo'n ddwys
  Wrth ei draed.

Pwysfawr y groes i'w dwyn,
  Yntau yn wan -
Un a rydd gymorth ddaw
  Yn y man.

Gwêl hwynt yn teithio 'mlaen,
  Olygfa brudd!
Simon yn rhannu'r baich
  Ag ef sydd.

Ple crwydrant hwy yn awr
  Gan ddwyn y groes?
Pwy yw y blaenaf Ŵr
  Dan ei loes?
T H Hughes, Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1850-1919.

Tôn [6463D]: Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross
    (Alfred E Redhead 1855-1937)

  Rhan II (Yr Ateb)
Dilyn i Galfari
  Rhan III (Yr Hanes)
Yn hongian ar y pren
  Rhan IV (Yr Apêl o'r Groes)
Blentyn fy ngwae a'm cur
  Rhan V (Ein Cri at Iesu)
O fe'th ddilynaf mwy

(The Story of the Cross
Part 1 - The Question)
In his own pure clothing -
  Red with blood;
Women are weeping bitterly
  At his feet.

Very heavy the cross to be borne,
  Himself weak -
One who will give help comes

See them travelling onward,
  A sad scene!
Simon sharing the burden
  Is with him.

Where are thy wandering now
  While carrying the cross?
Who is the foremost Man
  Under his anguish?
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion
(The Story of the Cross
Part 1 - The Question)
In His own raiment clad,
  With His blood dyed;
Women walk sorrowing
  By His side.

Heavy that cross to Him,
  Weary the weight;
One who will help Him waits
  At the gate.

See! they are traveling
  On the same road;
Simon is sharing with
  Him the load.

O whither wandering
  Bear they that tree?
He who first carries it,
  Who is He?
Edward Munroe 1815-66

Tune [6463]: Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross
    (Alfred E Redhead 1855-1937)
Tune [6463D]: Hanes y Groes / Story of the Cross
    (Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)

see also:
  Part 2 (The Answer)
Follow to Calvary
  Part 3 (The Story)
On the cross lifted
  Part 4 (The Appeal from the Cross)
Child of my grief and pain
  Part 5 (The Resolve)
O I will follow thee

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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